Selectmen’s Minutes, October 22, 2015



October 22, 2015


Opened the meeting and established a quorum present.  Selectmen present:  Ben Astbury, Neil Davis.  Also present:  Bob and Barbara Comerford, Jim and Dot Carey, Robert Jones, CEO Duane Ford, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle.


Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting.


Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $7,832.06.  Emera expenses totaled $389.63 for the fire department, town house, town office and streetlights, plumbing expenses $1630, road payroll $3,230, and administration costs of $277.18.


PUBLIC BUSINESS:  Rope Ferry Road residents returned for this week’s meeting to discuss Strong Brewing Company and any possible response from the town attorney. Davis updated the citizens in regard to the issue.


OLD BUSINESS:  Town Dock Grant: Selectmen have accepted both SHIP and the Coastal grant for the engineering of the town dock improvements.  Chairman of the Marine Resources Committee is working with DOT on the particulars.

DOT fuel agreement received.  Will contact fire department, school department, superintendent of schools, road commissioner and snow contractor to see who is interested in using it and what the approximate usage could be.

Astbury is still working on the Town House list for repairs for the November election.


NEW BUSINESS:  Motion made to set a hearing date of November 12, 2015 to address an ongoing personnel matter in executive session.  Astbury to make contact with the personnel involved.  Davis seconded.  Voted 2-0 in favor.


CEO REPORT:  Ford reportedly served with notice from the Rope Ferry residents regarding a lack of action taken on the Strong Brewing Company issue.  Selectmen agreed to send the notice to the town attorney.  John James to come and look at the old landfill site ‘before the snow flies’.  Attended CEO/LPI training class Tuesday, will be attending another next week in Hampden.


ADJOURN:  There being no further public business, the motion was made, seconded and voted 2-0 to adjourn at 6:45 pm.

Entered executive session at 6:47 pm to address school issues.  Exited at 7:29 pm. No decisions.


Ben Astbury, Selectman