Selectmen’s Minutes, September 24, 2015
September 24, 2015
Opened the meeting and established a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal. Also present: Barbara & Bob Comerford, Dorothy & Jim Carey, Melody Lewis-Kane, Ben Felwell, Robert Jones, Victor Smith, David Webb, Road Commissioner Paul Carter, Packet reporter Anne Berleant, CEO Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle.
Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting.
Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $1,056.56. The treasurer was attending classes, and the tax collector was not back from vacation so the warrant was small. $999.50 for motor vehicle registrations, $53 fees for Rooney, and $4.06 taxes on Rooney’s fees.
PUBLIC BUSINESS: The Rope Ferry Road neighbors were in to check on the letter from the town attorney, and to ask questions about the plumbing permit and the brewery license, between commercial and domestic septic systems. Davis advised that the state plumbing inspector is responsible, and that there are jurisdictional issues between the town and state. Ben Felwell brought up concerns regarding divisive rhetoric, social media posts, etc. Comerford cited several issues involving Strong Brewing and their ignoring of orders from the selectmen and the planning board. He stated it has been three months and no resolution. Road Commissioner Carter suggested a meeting with the state plumbing inspector to clear up some of the issues. CEO Ford wondered if he was aware of the situation. Jim Carey feels that the town is not willing to make a move. Ben Felwell again asked the board to consider placing the shoe on the other foot. Grindal made the motion to meet with the Strongs, then meet with the Rope Ferry residents, then all together at some point. Davis seconded the motion, voted 3-0 to draft a letter to all parties involved. Davis moved to proceed as the lawyer advises, Grindal seconded and it was voted 3-0 to proceed with both motions.
OLD BUSINESS: Plowing contracts – discussed the yearly pay raises, Grindal feels that they are too high, also discussed ownership of sand. Carter has decided not to plow after all. Webb Excavating LLC will plow the entire town. After discussion, Grindal would support Webb owning the sand if the contract was raised 2% yearly instead of 5%. Webb agreed with the stipulation that if there is extra plowing (needing the excavator to clear drifts, etc.) he could negotiate for possible extra monies. Moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to award the plowing contract to Webb’s Excavating LLC for a period of four (4) years with a 2% raise each year.
CEO REPORT: A lot going on as usual. Checking on a temporary dock, a sand pit is being checked for environmental erosion, doing a boat inspection of shore properties, CHI has done little on their deck, but have moved in a portapotty, the old landfill site has not been inspected and signed off by DEP yet.
ADJOURN: There being no more public business, it was moved, seconded and voted to adjourn at 7:53 pm. Opened executive session at 7:58 pm and out of executive session at 8:45 pm. Discussed a personnel issue, no vote taken.
Ben Astbury, Selectman