Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes Thursday January 30th 2025

Thursday January 30th 2025


-Opened the meeting and established a quorum. S. Ford, C. Pert and B. Duffy present. Also, in attendance; D. Ford and L. Dow., G. Schnieder, L. Schnieder, A. Cole, P. Trowbridge, D. Astbury. Online: R. Colburn

-Reviewed and signed Treasurer’s warrant

-Read and approved minutes from 1/23 meeting- Motion and 2nd to approve as written. 3-0 approved.



A York resident checked in with the Planning Board regarding processes and permits that might be required for rebuilding a dwelling and barn demo on a property located on Graytown Road. After a call from Planning Board chairman, Jon Woodward; Duane visited 533 Graytown Rd to take a look at the property presently for sale and provided a property brochure and some comments to Mr. Woodward to work with. Duane received a call from Sabine Kaden about preliminary plumbing work being done at her home on Means hill. Duane told her that the plumber needed to provide the town with the proper paperwork. There is a Building Notification Form on file already for a proposed addition to the same property. The Notice of Hearing has been posted on change to the Shoreland Zoning set-back from 75 feet to 100 feet on salt water. Planning board will hear that on 2/11/2025 at the Town Office.



  1. Superintendent/Allen Cole present school budget- Allen Cole, on behalf of Mark Hurvitt presented the proposed budget for the 25/26 school year. He discussed various options with the select board and will provide a finalized budget early next week.
  2. Budget Committee/Nonprofit, warrant articles for 25/26- Leslie provided the board with the finalized number for the third-party funding requests (nonprofits). The Select Board continued work on the warrant articles for the upcoming down meeting. Leslie notified the board that she may want o think about stepping down as the chair of the budget committee, but would like to find a replacement and begin training before that time comes.
  3. Town Report Update- Tabled
  4. Plow Contract- The terms of Daryl’s contract expire after this winter’s plow season and he has offered to extend the contract for another two years, under the same terms should the board agree. Motion and 2nd to extend the contract under the same terms previously laid out for another 2 years. 3-0 approved.



Motioned and 2nd to adjourn. Approved 3-0 @7:15pm



Respectfully Submitted,

Lyndsey Dow