Selectmen’s Meeting, April 23, 2015



April 23, 2015


            Opened the meeting and established a quorum present.  Selectmen present:  Ben Astbury, Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal.  Also present: Steve Brown, Robert Jones, Anne Berleant, Victor Smith, John Allen, Kelly Mitchell, Dylan Howard, Assistant Barbara Grindle.

            Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting.

            Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant.

            OLD BUSINESS:  Steve Brown discussed how to get the selectmen’s computers individualized.  He was given the go-ahead to purchase two computers and do whatever needs to be done to set them up. Moved, seconded and voted 3-0.

            Town Dock – Astbury met with Jim Fisher about the town dock grant.  Fisher will assist in writing the grant if the selectmen can get the information together.  Moved and seconded and voted to approve Andrew McCullough as engineer on the town dock as long as there is no conflict.  Astbury to call McCullough and then get back to Fisher.  $80,000 has been allocated for the dock project, which can be done in phases.

            Walker Pond Insurance – Grindal will get repair figures and insurance quotes will be gotten by both towns.      

            Town Office Repair – Grindal will get started on plans.

            Plowing Contract – Webb Excavating will bring in ideas for a draft contract.  Selectmen will review them.

            School Board – The school board is doing whatever is possible to get information and figures together.  Will try to get superintendent and school board in to talk with selectmen next meeting.  Grindal will abstain from participating as his wife is the board chairperson. 

            Landfill site – Davis called DEP’s John Cullen, he was referred to the area supervisor.  She will schedule a visit to check the site as soon as possible.

PUBLIC HEARING:  Closed the selectmen’s meeting at 6:20 pm and opened the General Assistance hearing at 6:23 pm.  Davis read the purpose of the hearing:  ‘To hear discussion on proposed amendments to the General Assistance Ordinance and Appendices’.  Assistant explained that the financial requirements in the appendices had been raised a few dollars in Appendix B (food) and Appendix C (housing).  There was no discussion.  The selectmen accepted the changes and voted 3-0 to adopt them.

The public hearing was closed at 6:27 pm.

            NEW BUSINESS:  The selectmen will meet after adjournment in executive session to discuss a personnel matter.

            Grindal will make a display for the Boston Post Cane.

            Mitchell and Howard discussed the Caterpillar Hill Initiative with the Selectmen.  They will get the materials together for presentation to the Planning Board’s next meeting.  The selectboard, the CEO, and the planning board will work with them to get the proper paperwork done.  They were told to be sure to check with the Department of Transportation about parking.

            CEO:  CEO was not present.

            PUBLIC COMMENTS:  Allen asked about the Rope Ferry Access, Davis explained that the Access Committee is making plans to visit all of the accesses.

            ADJOURN:  There being no further public business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:22 pm.


The selectmen entered executive session at 7:26 pm and returned at 8:08 pm.


                                    Ben Astbury, Selectman