Selecdtmen’s Meeting, February 26, 2015



February 26, 2015


            Opened the meeting and established a quorum present.  Selectmen present:  Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Victor Smith.  Also present:  Road Commissioner Paul Carter, Fire Chief David Carter, Garry and Leslie Schneider, Robert Jones, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Tax Collector Pat Gross, Assistant Barbara Grindle, Packet reporter Bette Britt.


            Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting.


Signed the Treasurer’s warrant for $62,621.32; Webb’s Excavating $13,230 for snow contract, Paul Carter $10,000 for snow contract, $1,881.75 for more road salt, transfer station quarterly payment $25,831, and Paul Carter for road work accounted for much of the warrant.


            PUBLIC BUSINESS:  Jones and the Schneiders complimented the snow contractors on a job well done.  It is time for ‘frost heave’ signs to be put up, many culvert dips are getting deep.  State posts the state roads, road commissioner posts town road.  Very few dips on the town roads thanks to good maintenance by the road commissioner and his crew.


            OLD BUSINESS:  Andrew McCullough is ready to submit a permit for work on the Walker Pond Access.  He needs the go-ahead from both towns.  Sedgwick selectmen moved, seconded and voted to  give him permission, now he needs Brooksville’s permission.


            NEW BUSINESS:  Road Commissioner reported that we have used more salt than we ordered, next year we need to order more salt than we think we will need.  If necessary, Harcross can shut us off so they can serve other towns that haven’t used their ordered quotas.

            The Fire Chief says that the fire department cannot clean off roofs.  The insurance will not cover them and a volunteer group would not have the time to do it.  Please find an individual to do the job.

            Smith protested the letter to the editor article by Colby Pert.  Several facts in the letter were inaccurate.  Davis will write a letter explaining that there was no call for a vote to get an opinion from a lawyer; there was discussion about doing so.  Treasurer Reilly reported that there was enough money in the administration account to cover the payroll; at the end of the year there was no overage in the account.  


            CEO REPORT:  CEO is away on vacation.


PUBLIC COMMENTS:  Britt commented that there was an error in the date of the town meeting in the Packet article in this week’s paper.  The voting is on Friday, March 6 from 12:45 until 6 pm, and town meeting is on Saturday, March 7 starting at 9 am.


ADJOURN:  There being no further business, it was moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 pm.


                                    Victor Smith, Selectman