Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes April 25, 2024

Town of Sedgwick

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes

Thursday April 25, 2024


Opened the meeting and established a quorum. S. Ford and C. Pert present. Also, in attendance; D. Ford; D. Carter; and L. Dow for B. Grindle. J. Wetterskog from the public.

Read and approve minutes from April 18thTabled until next week.

Reviewed and signed the Treasurer’s Warrant.


Duane went down to Cooper Farm Road to check on the planning of trees- owners report that the storms have been washing out new plants. Chrstine di Pretoro reports the use of pesticides across the street, and also informed Duane that she called Maine Pesticide Control- no other information on this. Larrabee’s asked the town for permission to cut trees leading to the storm wall site, or to see if the Town would do so. Duane says the town cannot give them a permit to cut the trees.  Solar company checking on an array on Covenant Way, but no building notification form has been filed. From last week- Brooklin resident who contacted DEP about the paving on Stumpy cove also contact a State Reprehensive. Duane will be waiting on the outcome. Theresa Davis for Black Pond- thought that 30 small trees would satisfy for remediation and recommended a 6ft wide trail with some stone to delineate the trailway. Meeting went well.



  1. Audit Report- Cindy brought paperwork to auditors. Should hear something soon.
  2. Town Report- Susan tried to call Barbara about the status of the report- will follow up
  3. Daryl Astbury has fixed the issues on Ferry Landing. Colby would like to see a carry in launch at Ferry Landing. Walker Pond launch looks great- and no need to have ramps at all sites.
  4. Duane thought it would be a good idea to have caution tape at the town landing while repairs are being done. Board agrees.



Jerry Wetterskog asked about the status of the winterization of the basement at town hall- as the grant funding has an expiration. He offered to follow up with Peter Woodward.



Motion and 2nd to adjourn- 2-0 approved at 6:20pm.


Respectfully Submitted,

Lyndsey Dow