Selectmen’s Minutes, September 11, 2014



September 11, 2014


            Opened the meeting and established a quorum present.  Selectmen present:  Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Victor Smith.  Also present:  CEO Duane Ford, Animal Control Officer Debbie Ciomei, Road Commissioner Paul Carter, Assistant Barbara Grindle.


            Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting.


            Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $5,737.59; legal costs of $551, Town House parking, $862.50, and 45 day notices $421.85.


            Signed the motor vehicle transfer papers, giving the responsibility of motor vehicles to the deputy tax collector (Cindy Reilly) until a new tax collector is appointed.  The new agent has to work under the deputy for six months before becoming independently responsible.  There is a course in Houlton on Sept. 16, and another in October to train the motor vehicle agent.  Belinda will do as much as she can from home and will be in to train the new appointee.


            OLD BUSINESS:  Assistant has completed the tree growth report for the state, Smith signed the report.

            Raised deed concerns about the Salt Pond transfer, i.e. do we need a warranty deed or a release deed, is there a consideration of damages to the homeowner or to the abutters.  We need to cover all bases before setting up a town meeting.


            NEW BUSINESS:  Assistant to set up appointments for interviews with tax collector applicants.


            CEO REPORT:  Following up on the value of the Salt Pond residence.  Also checking on several driveways on the shoreland.


            ADJOURN:  There being no further business, the motion was made, seconded and voted 3-0 to adjourn at 7:43 pm.


                                                            Victor Smith, Selectman