Selectmen’s Meeting, March 28, 2024



March 21, 2024


Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present.  Selectmen present:  Susan Ford, Colby Pert.  Also present:  Donna Beninati, Paul Trowbridge, Clerk/treasurer Cindy Reilly, CEO Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle.


There being no errors or omissions in the records of the last meeting, moved, seconded and voted to accept them as written.


Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for


CEO REPORT:  Talked with town attorney regarding Black Pond resident, asked to wait for information from resident’s attorney; took new forms for plumbing inspections to plumber for a

Reach Road property; left a letter for a resident at Walker Pond who needs a building occupancy notice; Diana Marston’s daughter checked the process for saving or repairing her house in the water on Shore Road, it has received a great deal of damage in the storms in January and March; trying to catch up with the Harding Lane contractor to suggest he contact a soil evaluator.


DISCUSSION and/or ACTION ITEMS:  1)  Comprehensive Plan/Levine contract: Beninati reported on progress made and plans for the next phase of the Plan committee.  Select board signed the invoice sent by Levine.

2)  Audit Update:  Could not reach auditor since it is their tax season. It may be mid-June before the audit is ready.

3)  Warrant Article Workshop:  Worked on and finished the warrant articles.


Trowbridge has left some of the copies of the fire chief’s portrait for pre-orders.  All profits will benefit the fire department.  See the town clerk for more information.


UNRESOLVED BUSINESS: a)  The school board has no candidates for the vacant position.

b)  There is work to be done on the Walker Pond access.  Will check to see if snow contractor is interested in doing it.  First meeting of the landing committee is next month

c)  Carter Point and North Sedgwick have some very deep potholes that need to be fixed.

d)  Took care of the clerk’s list of ‘little’ jobs that need to be done.


ADJOURN:  There being no further business, moved, seconded and voted to adjourn the meeting at 7:09 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Grindle, Assistant