Selectmen’s Meeting, November 9, 2023



November 9, 2023


Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present.  Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, Susan Ford, Colby Pert.  Also present:  CEO Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle, Greg Phillips (Allen Kratz).


Amended one section of the minutes of the last meeting.  Moved, seconded and voted (2-0, Astbury abstained.) to accept them as amended.


Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $49,960:  property tax overpay $7,081.43; clear/m/v $2306.25; general assistance $94.13; Snow (sand) $37,740; fire protection $225.57; administration $2,513.03.


CEO REPORT:  1) Sent Versant form to Nesbitt for their new home on Harding Lane; 2) checked their new construction and first level is up;  3)  call from a family member at 157 Carter Point Road about dock and right of way to shore, CEO is not privy to any agreements.  4)  AES Energy needs an original power form sent to Presque Isle;  5)  discussing with Brent Lawson for internal plumbing forms due to too many contractors not waiting for inspection before covering plumbing;  6) town lawyer is coordinating the Black Pond issues.


DISCUSSION and/or ACTION ITEMS:  1)  Warrant Articles – Special town meeting –

Will send copies of the articles to the Clerk for publication.

Phillips:  Suggestion that the town move on foreclosed properties sooner; could avoid some of the problems encountered with Map 5, Lot 51.

Kratz – Thanks for signing letter of support for the Great Meadow grant.


UNRESOLVED BUSINESS –  A)  a request for financial donations toward Thanksgiving dinners – the town has no discretionary funds to use for these types of requests.   B)  Assistant to send thank you notes to ballot clerks and warden for their work at the polls.


ASSISTANT’S REPORT – Disposed of extra town reports, Hannaford account isn’t final but is being worked on, will not be here the week of Nov. 13,


ADJOURN:  There being no further business, moved, seconded and voted to adjourn the meeting at 6:36 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Grindle, Assistant