Selectmen’s Minutes, April 17, 2014
April 17, 2014
Opened the meeting and determined that a quorum was present. Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Victor Smith. Also present Robert Jones, CEO Duane Ford, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Assistant Barbara Grindle.
Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting with one correction.
Signed the Treasurer’s warrant for $61,094.98; school expenses were $57874.66, fire department expenses were 746.42, and general assistance for $197.08.
Tax collector and treasurer brought several foreclosure issues to the selectmen. Treasurer also wished to make sure that the selectmen realized that MMA’s legal opinion is that the treasurer has no liability other than relaying opinion, and that taking the increase early could exceed the administration account. MMA’s legal opinion is that the fiscal year starts July 1 and that their raises would start then. Treasurer also reported that Rob Clapp of Grindle Insurance would like to give the town a quote for risk and property insurance. Tax collector would like to have assessing agents put mobile home information on the tax cards and also discussed large truck registrations with Grindal. The computerized registration system for TRIO would make automobile registrations more accurate, but it is expensive to purchase. We probably will be mandated by the state to have it at some point.
OLD BUSINESS: Town Dock: Harbormaster will move some rocks and Davis will call the road commissioner to get some pea gravel delivered for the walkways.
Cellar: The shelves are up and it is looking good. Davis will talk to treasurer about getting boxes and labels for putting her old papers in.
Public Access Committee: Assistant trying to get a meeting scheduled.
Rope Ferry Access: Discussed having a survey done.
NEW BUSINESS: Clean up: Smith will ask Bill Healey to rake rocks and do some spring work at the town office at $15 per hour.
Treasurer asked and Smith made a motion to dispose of any old office equipment. Grindal seconded, voted 3-0 to dispose of any old office equipment. Treasurer will call the tech school in Ellsworth to see if they are interested.
Natasha Allen presented her liquor license renewal for Tasha’s golf and drive in. Selectmen signed the papers.
Suggested looking at prices for a handicap bathroom and stairs from the selectmen’s office to the cellar.
Starting work on the selectmen’s bathroom soon.
Smith to call for wood for the town house. 1 cord of dry, 2 foot.
We need a volunteer for the budget committee.
CEO REPORT: HCPC will have new flood maps soon. Lots of ‘looking ats’ and classes. He is monitoring erosion at Pressmans. It is a busy time of year.
There being no further business, Moved and seconded and voted 3-0 to adjourn. Adjourned the meeting at 7:15 pm.
Victor Smith, Selectman