Comprehensive Plan meeting, 9/12/2023

Comprehensive Planning for Water Resources and Natural Resources Conditions & Trends


This was the first public presentation sponsored by the Comprehensive Plan Committee.

10 people were in attendance.

The Comprehensive Plan is a document designed to guide future actions of our town and presents a vision for the future with long-range goals and objectives. The committee is in the process of updating the 1993 Sedgwick Comprehensive Plan.

Corinne Michaud-LeBlanc, Beginning with Habitat climate coordinator with Maine’s Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (DIFW) delivered a presentation on Comprehensive Planning for Water Resources and Natural Resources Conditions & Trends.

DIFW provided maps specific to Sedgwick showing water and natural resource assets throughout the town. Currently, the maps are posted in the Sedgwick Fire Department training room.

BwH online resources:

Culvert guidance and funding:

Sea Level Rise scenarios:


Discussion topics and conversations included the following:

  • Salt pond and great meadow area, large undeveloped tracts of land in the center of town, 2,000 to 5,000 acres.
  • Large tracts of land will protect against isolating species, permit them access habitats on connected land tracts and encourage biodiversity of Maine native animal species.
  • Participants viewed the wall maps and areas of focus for discussion included the great ponds in Sedgwick including Frost Pond, Black Pond and Walker Pond and natural habitats surrounding those resources.
  • Another discussion focused on the Bagaduce and Benjamin River watersheds, natural habitats, and wildlife.
  • Maps are available to the public as well as various mapping tools located here: habitat/maps/index.html
  • Many grants are available for water passage and culvert infrastructure to improve resilience and maintain water quality.
  • DIFW and other state agencies have large amounts of publicly available data on Sedgwick. As an example, state level specialists have captured data on reptiles, amphibians, bees, and butterflies.
  • The Comprehensive Plan should include determinations as to what levels of habitat protection are desired by town residents.
  • Development of the comprehensive plan includes strategies for participation in regional efforts.
  • A question was raised: “What do you do when big developers come into town?” “I cannot imagine it can ever be developed.” DIFW response: “That’s why you have the comprehensive plan. Look at the intangibles and pieces that can be put into play like ordinances.” “From there, bridge the gap from plan to implementation.” “Many plans have strategies and policies but if they don’t have ordinances it is difficult to enforce those plans and policies.”
  • A question was raised: “Are there assumptions that your department is making regarding sea level rise?” DIFW response: “The Maine Climate Council has recommended managing sea level rise for an intermediate scenario of 1.5 feet by 2050 and 3.9 feet by 2100 (over a baseline year of 2000).
  • A follow-up question was raised: “What if there was sea level rise of 20 to 30 feet, do you have maps that would tell us what would be underwater?” DIFW response: Maine Geological Society, federal tools and NOAH have models to depict those scenarios.”
  • A comment was made: “Our shoreland zoning refers to IFW maps, and we are now making progress to get those maps available to us.” And “There is also a geological factor to consider, for example Brooksville has a high rating for arsenic, Sedgwick is fine, but Surry is terrible. DIFW response: “A good referral source for those questions is DEP.”
  • A question was raised: “Who has mineral mapping and does that include lithium deposits? DIFW response: “DEP maintains and shares a package of that data.”
  • A comment was made that Blue Hill Heritage Trust has a large map. Action Items:
  1. Corinne Michaud-LeBlanc will send a copy of the presentation and reference materials to the committee for distribution to attendees.
  2. Committee to include access to the next meeting via Zoom.
  3. Committee to consider establishment of a SharePoint site for distribution of Comprehensive Planning documents.
  4. Committee to consider additional sources for community outreach to increase attendance at future presentations.
  5. Committee to consider inviting Maine GIS to present.