Selectmen’s Meeting, September 7, 2023
September 7, 2023
Opened the meeting and declared quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, Susan Ford, Colby Pert. Also present: CEO Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle, Superintendent Dan Ross, Allen Kratz, (Robin Colburn).
There being no errors or omissions in the records of the last meeting, moved, seconded and voted to approve them as written.
Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $143,412.20.
CEO REPORT: A Herrick Road owner is selling a portion his his property, b) Check to see if a Caterpillar Hill site had removed the septic tank, not just buried it again; c) a new building going up on Means Hill, question about ordinances; d) paving on Oceanside property needs DEP approval, they are (DEP) not responding; e) Making a map of the Black Pond area larger for ease of reading; f) will contact the town attorney when ready about DEP/Town issues, permission given.
Inserted Allen Kratz – Grants for the Old County Road/Black Pond Crossing aren’t open yet, but will apply when they are; Moved, seconded and voted to sign a support resolution for funding of the Coastal Flood Community Science program;
DISCUSSION ad/or ACTION ITEMS: 1) Superintendent Update – Ross is getting information out to the auditor in hopes to have the budget by January 15.
2) Set Date of Special Town Meeting – The General Assistance program does not need a special town meeting so a Public Hearing will be held September 28, 7 p.m. at the Town Office. Special Town Meeting will be held later.
UNRESOLVED BUSINESS: 1) Buildings at the Town Dock and Walker Pond are dangerous, will call Road Commissioner; 2) Jerry Wetterskog is having difficulty with fires on the Shore Road beach,land is posted according. State law and BHHT forbid them because of the fire danger so close to the shore. 3) Discussed winter salt with Harcross. The price will be the same as last year. Contractor was happy with the quality and ease of delivery from the company. 4) Next meeting of the Bridge and Causeway Committee will be October 4. Question-should the bridge and causeway be worked on at the same time? What are the plans for the causeway: reconstruction? Widen and raise up? A bridge?
ADJOURN: The meeting was recessed at 6:50 p.m. Executive Session opened at 7 p.m. pursuant to Title 1, Section 405.A.1 Permitted Deliberation. Executive Session closed at 7:10 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Barbara Grindle, Assistant