Selectmen’s Minutes, July 6, 2017
Town of Sedgwick
Selectmen’s Meeting
July 6, 2017
Opened meeting at 6pm and established a quorum. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, Colby Pert, Michael Sheahan. Also present: Bob Publicover, CEO Duane Ford, Robert Jones
Discussion Items:
Representatives from Maine Coast Heritage Trust (Ciona Ulbrich) and Blue Hill Heritage Trust (Hans Carlson) appeared to discuss developments at Caterpillar Hill. They are getting closer to acquisition and wanted to discuss the level of community support for such a project. Their application to Land for Maine’s Future will need a letter from the town expressing a level of support for the project. Pert cited the town’s comprehensive plan as evidence of Sedgwick’s interest in preserving the view from Caterpillar Hill. As things move forward, MCHT and BHHT will seek input from the town in the early stages of the development process. Question from Astbury: How will the property be classified for tax purposes? Answer: Open space like the rest of the BHHT property at Cooper Farm.
Salt Pond Acquisition: Still waiting for changes to description from Eric Allen. Still waiting for final revised covenant description.
Action Items:
Motion to form an Alewife Committee. Penobscot and Brooksville already participating in a program with Maine Coastal Community Fisheries to restore alewives in water connected to the Bagaduce River. John Higgins will assemble committee. Passed 3-0
Motion to participate in Hancock County Planning Commission’s bulk salt purchase for winter 2017/18. Last year paid $62/ton. Passed 3-0
Motion to participate in the Hancock County Planning Commission toxic materials disposal program. Unlike the earlier program, materials will be accepted through the Blue Hill/Surry Transfer Station. Posters about the program and id cards forthcoming. Passed 3-0
Received Assessor’s Municipal Tax Rate Calculation Form. Motion to adopt a rate of .011650 with an overlay of $19,338.34. Passed 3-0
Marijuana Moratorium: Discussed opinion from the Maine Municipal Association on the need for an extension of the current moratorium set to expire on August 31. Even though the state’s moratorium won’t expire until February 1, 2018, it would be prudent for Sedgwick to continue to have it’s own moratorium in place to prevent an individual from filing a site plan review between now and 2/1/2018 and then using an approved site plan for a use involving marijuana before Sedgwick has a chance to adopt its own set of regulations.
Motion to set a date of August 17th at 7pm for a special town meeting to address an extension to the marijuana moratorium. Passed 3-0.
A hearing about the extension will be on the agenda for the August 24th selectman’s meeting.
Michael Sheahan, First Selectman