Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes August 22 2024

Town of Sedgwick

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes

Thursday, August 22, 2024


● Opened meeting and established a quorum at 6:00pm. S. Ford, C. Pert, B. Duffy, D. Carter, J. Wetterskog, R. Colburn via phone

● Reviewed and signed Treasurer’s Warrant

● Read and approved minutes to be as accepted as written with spelling correction. 3-0 approved

CEO Report & Chief deferred to action item:

Kelly Samperi came in with a document describing issues receiving help for her child who has a disability and is going to a private school. She has been refused help from the School Union. As there is not much we can do, but truly feel her desperation, we will call MMA Legal Dept. to see if there is anything we can do to assist her.

Return to regular meeting agenda

Fire Chief Report

Chief Carter discussed starting now to make plans for purchase of a new Fire Truck. Putting a truck together is 4 years out. Want to order as soon as they can. If Brooklin, DI/Stonington and Sedgwick do at the same times there is a better deal. They will all work together on this purchase. New truck will be $450,000 or more. Had a greater car show this year. Received donations and had several vendors at the show. Were able to buy new struts and air bag release device for vehicle accidents.


CEO Report

Blue Hill Heritage Trust meeting on site at Bagaduce platform at Ferry Landing Thursday August 29 at 10:00 am.

Went to inspect house & plumbing at 25 Harding Lane.

Got DEP copy of Hirsch permit at Alder Drive.

Chris Martin called about status of permit for Silver Mine Rd.

Dealing with Rita Hirsch property at 35 Alder Lane. Daughter has sent us the D.E.P.

Patty Whiting is working on a permit for 37 Alder Lane.

Bill & Kim Nadeau at 49 Alder Lane, not known to be working on a permit at this time.

Ryan & Jennifer Larrabee 273 Carter Point have completed shorefront stabilization project.

Sarah Everdell property at 272 Carter Point Rd is mostly done but making a grade change at this time.

Stavinoha at 262 Carter Point Rd is reviewing their options.

Gail Williamson Trust at 254 Carter Point Rd has about 50% already good and working on permit to fix the rest.

Wes & Martha Marttin mostly done with their remediation work Carter Point Rd.


Public Comments

Jerry Wtterskog will be attending the MMA Planning Board instruction class.



Motion and 2nd to adjourn at 6:56pm


Respectfully Submitted,

Lyndsey Dow- Assistant